Harmony aims to boost consumer adoption by developing cross-chain NFT protocols, tools and services. Below are $13M grants and bounties for building the platform, community, reputation, curation, financial, and markets of our NFT ecosystem.


We are funding projects with task bounties, hackathon prizes, seed investments, or even fully DAOs; we offer grants for launching a new product, porting an exisiting product from other chains, or marketing campaigns with cross-chain partners. See the following document for our full guideline:

$300M+ on Web3, Grants & DAOs

Showcase: 1Wallet, SushiSwap, Crazy.ONE, DAO Tools


Budget Allocation for 2021 Q4

Many Ideas above are copied from the research reports below by Maria Shen @MariaShen at Electric Capital along with @Aliaksandr “Sasha” Hudzilin @AliaksandrH at HumanGuild, Curtis Spencer @jubos at Electric Capital, Cuy Sheffield @cuysheffield at Visa, Julia Rosenberg @JulzRoze at Orca Protocol, Julia Wu @thejuliawu at Brex, Ken Deeter @puntium at Electric Capital, and Willie Maddox @RGBteddy at Netflix; and, reports by Mason Nystrom @masonnystrom and Mira Christanto @asiahodl at Messari.


NFTs 101 - Why NFTs are a generational innovation

Five New Frontiers for NFTs

Credits: Messari's research reports "NFT Stack: Exploring NFT Ecosystem" and "NFT Marketplaces: Valuing"

Credits: Messari's research reports "NFT Stack: Exploring NFT Ecosystem" and "NFT Marketplaces: Valuing"

Project Ideas

1. Forever.ONE – Social Moments on Location

Who’s combining social-location-mobile with NFT-DAO? Web3 versions of Foursquare-Instagram-Twitter? As proofs of presence-clout-human. Join #ONEmomentDAO to capture the happiness and meanings of your moments on forever.one – like Pokémon but with on-chain autographs.

For example, user A takes photo of B. forever.one makes #1moment nft qrcode with its photo, a venue to check in, a message to remember. B scans QRcode & approves "together for the moment" as autograph – without installing any app or wallet. A & B share the NFT's multisig & sale.

Instead of checking in landmarks w/ Foursquare or catching monsters with Pokemon Go, celebrities with we.new. Create value out of your social encounters, or be the mayor of your favorite places. Merge physical geo world with shared ephemeral experience.

Instead of the ad-laden and the like-driven web2 of Instagram or Twitter, experiment with the self-assessed tax and quadratic power of radical markets. How would you monetize the love and memories of people you meet in life? Can geospatial NFT serve as the basic income to its community?