
  1. NFT.NYC

    1. Update
    2. Run of Show
    3. Team duties
    4. OTG expectations
  2. Merchandise:

  3. EthCC

    1. Update
    2. Sponsorship
    3. Needs/Blockers
  4. AmbassadorDAO integration

  5. ONEConference

    1. Separate meetings

    Meeting Notes:

    1. Run of show Updated (still needs a lot of details for an internal run of Show)

    2. need load in times, positions, etc. for team schedules and expectations

    3. Merchandise needs to be printed today (apes)

      1. put hold on other merchandise strategies—at least until more clarification through bear market
    4. Eilam (uber plus), Al will bring some merch

      1. merch delivered to Eilam, fedex pick up for NYC times square
    5. AmbassadorDAO will be utilized for smaller-scale events. Events have been taken out of the grants outline.

    6. EthCC: Canceling the venue that we have -$16,000 cancellation fee. We still have the Mithril sponsorship (@Kayla C is getting specifics on: price of sponsorship, specific details if they can support/collab with us on a hackathon)