NOTE: These guidelines may change as we experiment and learn how best to bootstrap and support Decentralized Autonomous Organizations.

Harmony is committed to seeing 10,000 DAOs operational on the Harmony blockchain network by 2026. This is an ambitious goal but we are firm in our conviction that decentralized organizations will be the #1 mechanism for employment and wealth creation in the near future.

Our conviction is tangible and you can see it through our DAO Grant Fund.

As part of our $300M+ on Web3, Grants & DAOs, we have committed $50M USD for bootstrapping DAOs and accelerating the creation and deployment of tooling to support those DAOs.

It is still early days for those who DAO but we are excited about how much we have learned and how far we have come in just a few short months.

We invite you to join us. As our core team member @Li Jiang has said;

<aside> 🔥 “It doesn’t matter if you didn’t go to an expensive university or if you are just in high school. The price of admission in Web3 is passion.”


But, as with all new endeavors, prudence insists that we learn to crawl before we walk, and walk before we run.

And so - with that in mind - we have the following guidelines that will be used for funding DAOs on Harmony.

The DAO Bootstrap Grant: Minimal Considerations

Reminder: The $50M Fund for DAO grants is a subset of the larger Harmony Ecosystem Fund. All recipients of these grants are required to support the Harmony ecosystem in one way or another.

As a reminder, lifetime grants for DAOs are capped at $1M. Not all DAOs will receive $1M and some (hopefully most) will find a mechanism to fund themselves without a grant fairly early on in their development.

Amount: $50K USD


  1. Mandates: 3 mandates. Specific. Precise. Each mandate to have two sub-clauses to provide further clarification on these mandates. All three mandates and their sub-clauses should fit within a tweet.
    1. EXAMPLES:

      Developer DAO: Support - Resolve daily issues on forums & channels, drive weekly meeting agenda Bounties - Prioritize bugs & features with task management & contributor retention Advocacy - Hold workshops & events, content marketing with talks & blogs

      Basic DAO: Timesheets - Help contributors track work hours & deliverables in public Payroll - Setup paid challenges, wallets, streaming payments & taxes Reviews - Follow up performance feedback for bonus or penalty, rage quits, or kicks.

  2. Deliverables: Looking forward for the next 3 months only, identify key deliverables directly tied to the mandates of your DAO that you will be focused on accomplishing. Be specific. Chart, in steps, how you will get from where you start to delivering your goal.