Palo Alto City Council Member Pushes for Separation of Money and State

... the separation of money and state; [in 1995] a tax holiday on e-commerce, allowing the industry to flourish... [capital gains holiday for crypto] where you sell your Bitcoin to USDC, or you go from USDC to Tether or Avalanche, or whatever it happens to be. My preference would be having no capital gains at all for the next decade, so as to allow this industry to flourish.

Cryptocurrency | Greg Tanaka for Congress

... a limited-time moratorium on the capital gains tax on cryptocurrency to ensure that this thriving innovation can progress unburdened... the capital gains tax on cryptocurrency must be temporarily suspended until this vital technology can further develop.

... blockchain, cryptographic protocols, digital assets, decentralized finance and social platforms, NFTs, and DAOs... If elected, this will be of the utmost importance to me.

... to exempt blockchain developers and providers of blockchain services from certain financial reporting and licensing requirements that would unnecessarily burden rising entrepreneurship (HR 528). Specifically, the act would confirm that blockchain innovators who do not take control of consumer funds, do not need to register as a money transmitter. Examples of these entities include "miners" that validate network integrity and multi-signature providers that provide enhanced asset security to users.

Palo Alto City Councilman Greg Tanaka faces uphill battle in race for Silicon Valley's House seat

A self-described nerd who grew up in a low-income Los Angeles household, Tanaka began coding at age six and won his first coding competition at age seven. His passion and skills for computers earned him an acceptance into Caltech. It also prompted his high school classmates to name him “most likely to not have any elected office.”

Tanaka, the founder and CEO of a crypto trading startup, asserts that cryptocurrencies are “aligned to our democratic ideals.” Tanaka describes them as “race-blind” and “socio-economic blind”.

Coming from [Palo Alto] that’s over a quarter Asian"... Tanaka as a Stop Asian Hate activist with “21st-century solutions”... “My dad still feels like we are guests in this country; we’ve been here since 1880, over 100 years.”

Tech and Innovation | Greg Tanaka for Congress

A one percent increase in the population of immigrant college graduates in the United States has been shown to increase patents per capita by 18 percent, and as such access to H1B, EB5, and O-1 visas should be expanded to increase the arrival of talent from abroad.

... policy frameworks which support and advance vital web3 technologies are essential to unleash the yet untapped potential of blockchains, DAOs, and digital assets... an emerging decentralized financial system... comprehensive regulatory infrastructure for stablecoins that prioritizes equity, creates safeguards against financial crimes, and promotes integrity within the system is crucial for realizing the dream of a more inclusive financial future.

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Greg Tanaka - Palo Alto, California, United States | Professional Profile | LinkedIn