Below are sources and numbers of Harmony’s growth and competitor analysis.

Harmony Dashboard

users bridge: assets, accounts, txs nft: sales, assets, artists exchanges: assets, transactions, volume wallet: mau, dau, downloads

economics dapps: deploys, transactions, accounts staking: validators, delegators, tokens token: rank, price, full cap

engagement dao: funded, votes, members github: forks, stars, issues discord: online, communicators, total newsletter: clicks, opens, subscribes website: duration, bounces, sessions youtube: views, watchtime, subscribers

social media twitter: impressions, profile visits, follows reddit: posts, views, followers facebook: engage, reach, followers telegram: messages, online, total others: medium, linkedin, instagram

developers github: contributors, closed issues, pull requests gitcoin: funded (eth), bounties, members downtime: mainnet, testnet, api (hours) teams: full time, part time, work hours api: request count, response time, clients

(Last Updated: 01/03/2022.)

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