By Jack Chan

Read this first! ➡️

Welcome to Harmony Funding FAQ! We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions depending on your situation. Can't find what you're looking for? Send our team an email at [email protected].

📑 Application Process

Where do I apply?

All funding proposals are sent in via Harmony's public forum! Just like how blockchains are transparent, so are our proposals. Click on the embedded link below on "About Funding Proposal" to get started immediately.

➡️ About Funding Proposals

Which Application Type should I use?

There are numerous types of fundings, read up the Guidelines on on which type will be the most suitable for your proposal.

➡️ Apply for Grants or DAO

How are Metrics and Milestones determined?

We set out guidelines in on certain common milestones for funding. Funds will be sent once your team hit those milestones. For example, when Launches deploy to Testnet, $10K (USD equivalent in ONEs) is released. When bounties have a Pull Request submitted via Gitcoin/GitHub, we release the promised funds upon an approved code merge. When timesheets are approved for Income earners, funds are released.

How do I share my post far and wide and encourage the community to interact and ask questions?

The Harmony community (often called Harmonauts 🧑‍🚀) are on multiple channels, post your proposals there to link back to the forum. Here's a few more common venues: