Do you have an event that you think Harmony needs to be a part of?

Great! Let’s break down the logistics.

By filling out the Event Proposal you are confirming yourself as Team Lead for the event.

Team Lead duties for each of their events:

Filling out the Event Proposal

Copy and Paste the contents of the Event Proposal Template onto a new page that you own.

The fill out by following these steps:

  1. When describing the event please include all relevant information such as

    1. A description of the event
      1. the focus of the event
      2. main target audience (who will be in attendance)
      3. keynote speakers
      4. types of activities (NFT galleries, hackathons, etc.), and
      5. what the overall expected vibe of the event will be
    2. Team members who will attend
      1. Team lead
      2. Any core team members
      3. Fellows/contributors
      4. Contractors (videographer, set design, etc.)
    3. How the event will benefit the ecosystem
      1. What can we expect to be the impact of this event
    4. How you will onboard builders at this event
      1. What are your goals for onboarding
      2. How will you reach out to people
      3. What are your plans for keeping in contact/following up with builders
    5. Sponsorship options (and preference)
      1. Different tiers and what’s included
      2. Your preference and why you think it’s necessary
  2. Budget Proposal (don’t be scared)

The budget proposal is not filled out with exact amounts, because you won’t know how much is spent until you spend it. However, because it is important to develop an accurate picture of how much the event is going to cost, getting your budget as close to the actual spending is encouraged. Filling out the budget proposal will be a combination of estimated costs based on numbers available to you, as well as, estimated costs based on numbers you will have to infer.

When filling out the Budget Proposal table there are four columns. Cost Category, Type of Cost, Cost Amount, and Description. Cost Category and Type of Cost will not be changed or filled out by you. Cost Amount is where you will input the estimated costs for each Type of Cost. If there is a Type of Cost that is not applicable to your event simply put in a zero (0) for that line’s Cost Amount. The Description column is available for you to use if you feel there is necessary information relevant to the Cost Amount you enter.

Let’s break down estimating Cost Amounts:

“Normal” is defined, for the purpose, of this document as comfortable, efficient, reasonable, and not extravagant.