Leo Chen led a team of 8 engineers at Amazon Web Services. There he built high-throughput storage virtualization for more than 200k EC2 instances. At Amazon Lab126, Leo built the first generation of Kindle Fire and architected FireOS for all Amazon devices. At Ericsson and Broadcom he worked on their Linux kernel, embedded systems, and large-scale distributed systems.

Leo holds a master’s degree in computer science from Simon Fraser University and a bachelor’s degree from Zhejiang University. Leo has completed 8 full marathons and hiked the Grand Canyon R3, John Muir Trail, and soon the entire Pacific Crest Trail.


Leo's 2022 Plan

Uptime and Scaling for Services

Cloud cost breakdown and reduction plan

China Strategy

Roadmap for Network, Validators, Services

Game Shard

Game SDK


Nita "Soph" Neou

🏔 Diego Nava

🙆🏻‍♂️ Socheat Khauv

🧗‍♀️  Leon Do

Haodi Jiang

Yu Yi