Sign off and Approved by: Li, Adrian, Matty, Essa, Danny, and Sam

In this retrospective report, Harmony reflects on our experiences at NFT.LA. This feedback is taken from the Harmony Event Operations team, contributors, and ecosystem partners. Establishing an open forum allows us the feedback needed to celebrate victories and humbly review areas where we can improve on as we move forward.






The Story

From start to end, Harmony’s presence at NFT.LA was a meaningful and supportive experience.

NFT.LA was set to be just another web3 conference for Harmony to attend. After a misunderstanding with the conference regarding the value of sponsorship, the events team decided it was best to pull out of the title sponsorship slot to pursue opportunities that were more aligned with the Harmony ethos. With just two weeks to go, the team decided to utilize the Ace theater (7 minutes from the conference venue) to create a 12-hour-long program for the community. We called it the ONEPitch event, where anyone could come up on stage and pitch to a panel of Harmony “Sharks” (or Shards?). Mixed into the programing were amazing panels that celebrated culture, diversity, and inclusion within web3, and two keynote speeches from Stephen Tse and Zi Wang. Check out the video above to see some of the action. (Side note: Going forward, more promotion will be put behind the Stephen’s ecosystem talks, which was a mistake on my end in LA). The program then continued onto the roof of the Ace Hotel for an afterparty with Gross Magazine and New Friendship Tech.

All other events were strategically planned to be either “open and aloud” where anyone could attend and have fun, or “closed and personal” where members of the Harmony team could create intimate relationships with other attendees. Judging from the feedback of the team, this was a very positive and effective strategy, especially in a city like LA where “celebrities” like to have intimate experiences.

Harmony went to LA with three goals: Convey our ethos and messaging around supporting the community (Tone), onboard 100 creators to Harmony (Metric), and contribute to the culture of Web3 (Tone/Metric). By the end of the conference, it was clear that we had succeeded in reaching – and surpassing – our goals, not just from on-the-ground feedback but the discussion in backchannels and on Twitter spaces as well.

Talks & Photos

Blue Metaverse: Apes Games, Social Tokens, Digital Festivals

Highlight Photos at NFT.LA

With this said, let’s celebrate a few achievements:

  1. We awarded ~$100K in spot grants to 47 ONEPitch projects. We applaud their bravery and willingness to share their dreams with us on stage.
  2. Zi had two opportunities to speak about the Timeless 1Wallet.
  3. Stephen gave his NFT and Metaverse keynote.
  4. Randy Jackson asked for a Harmony blue shirt! — “That’s gonna be a Yes from me, dawg.”

Initiatives that worked that we should continue:

  1. Being creative and thinking outside the box, trying new ideas, and learning from teachable moments