DAO Tooling Grant Milestones:
- [ ] Launch on Testnet
- [ ] Launch on Mainnet
- [ ] Training Webinar Recorded and Posted
- [ ] Used by 10 DAOs
- [ ] [BONUS] Re-org’d into a DAO w/ 5/9 Multisig
Technical Action Items:
- [x] Have the subgraph launched on Harmony
- [x] Offer the team development support resources (Victa and Jacob are in the Opolis integration chat)
- [ ] Verify status of Wyre integration
Next steps for Opolis:
We’ve compiled a go to market strategy to announce our integration with Opolis:
- Stage 1:
- Announce that Harmony plans to integrate with Opolis with graphic
- Stage 2:
- Publish the training webinar to educate the community on how to use the tool
- Stage 3:
- Get workers in Harmony using Opolis
- Incentivize DAOs to use by releasing the #OplolisChallenge