By WellnessONE Shawn [Ambassador DAO] & Daniel Pagan [Harmony]

This sentiment report was created through a collection of feedback and observation of comments and posts across Reddit, Telegram, Discord, and Twitter. Each section describes an area for improvement, details some examples, then closes with a TLDR followed by a response by the Harmony team describing how we will work to improve in that area. The Harmony team has assigned a team member to these areas who will own our efforts for improvement.

<aside> ⚠️ Overall Sentiment: To put it simply... the overwhelming feeling in the community is that we’re maintaining support but with strong hints that we’re losing their faith. We, moderators and community leaders, believe it boils down to three factors (below).


#1 | Poor External Communication

Owner: @Daniel Pagan

Community Concern: “I am one of the rare few who has a sense of what the team is doing behind the curtain. To the wider community, the operations of the team are almost completely unknown. The seems to be a tendency from the team communications to open the door too early and not update the community when the plan changes or when new information develops.”


1Wallet The 1Wallet web wallet beta opened to the public almost half a year ago, users had a slew of problems and no updates were mentioned about the project. In fact, it is still not clear that the wallet has transitioned to the Timeless mobile wallet.

88 Rising This is possibly the largest cross-industry partnership that Harmony has made, yet, almost no users are aware of this partnership. Anyone that was not at EthDenver would not be aware that this partnership exists and there has not been a single communication about it.

Project X This initiative has yet to be explained to the community and has led to mass confusion in the community surrounding why certain projects are getting >50k grants/funding near-instantly while other projects are restricted to the standard grant scheme. There has been no communication regarding projects funded, how it differs from normal grants, and the impacts this initiative may have.

BTC Bridge This is a flagship project from the Harmony team but the community concerns have largely gone unaddressed. There have been issues with the auto-selection of vaults and insufficient liquidity almost immediately after its release. No communications surrounding this project, make the community have the impression that the project was released to the community and abandoned.

Blue Metaverse & BAYC The Blue Metaverse is still unclear to date. There has been one ambiguous video following the announcement of the project, but nothing else. The community feels that the team spent several hundred thousand dollars for BAYC pfps and nothing else to show for it. It is not clear if there is a partnership or if there are any plans for this going forward. No clarity on this topic, just confusion from the community across multiple social media platforms.

Harmony Chrome Sunset The abrupt nature of this announcement left the community in disbelief. Many feel that there still is not a sufficient reason for the switch and are confused why it couldn't wait for the release of the Timeless wallet.

<aside> 📌 📝 Summary: A common theme across almost all these projects is that the door was opened to the community too soon, and there were no updates to the community when the plan changes or new information developed. This only scratches the surface of what the team is working on (10,000 DAOs for example), but these are the projects that have been vaguely communicated and the community has clung on to. **Ideally, there would need to be better communication across the board but these are just some areas to start.

💙 Harmony’s Next Steps: ”**We will be publishing weekly newsletters to the community in attempt to keep everyone informed of our work and decisions. The point of this newsletter is to over communicate and connect more frequently with our followers and community members, giving everyone a closer look behind the scenes and, overall, sharing more information about what Harmony is doing and why. We hope this will help address this issue as we take it seriously and will work hard to improve our external communication.”
