Trustless Eth bridge launch prep

Progress update

Currently there are several pending tasks that needs to be completed (along with estimates) listed below:

  1. ~~EIP-1559 update to ethereum pow verification [3 days] - fzgem18, DONE, Ganesh to review & merge, Feb 14-16~~ COMPLETE
  2. Cleanup the repo, download DAGs for next few epochs, deploy a testnet version, provide access to others Mar 6 - Mar 14 @Ganesha Upadhyaya
  3. Limited header storage in smart contracts [2 day], Feb 28-Mar 21 - @TK
  4. Handling forks & building canonical chain for ethereum light client & TokenLockerOnHarmony to use canonical chain [5 days] Feb 14-Mar 21 - @Ganesha Upadhyaya
  5. Merging two redundant merkle libraries [3 days] Feb 28-Mar 21 - @TK
  6. Batch header receive functionality [1 day] Feb 28-Mar 21 - @TK
  7. Smart contract unit test completion [2 weeks] Feb 14-28 - @Rachit Srivastava
    1. Review required @Ganesha Upadhyaya
  8. Smart contract testing, Mar 14 - Mar 28 - @Ganesha Upadhyaya @Rachit Srivastava
  9. CLI & libraries, Feb 14-Mar 14, @Rachit Srivastava
  10. [Protocol] MMR hardfork PR, addressing comments, getting it merged [3 weeks] @Ganesha Upadhyaya, start: Feb 14 - Mar 21
    1. PR review & update Mar 21-28
    2. Testnet hardfork, Mar 28-Apr 4
    3. Mainnet hardfork, Apr 11-25 (2 weeks heads up for validators)
  11. Relayer client & frontend completion [3-4 weeks] @Jenya Piskunov, start: Feb 14 - Apr 18
  12. End-to-end testing [1 week], start Apr 4-Apr 18 (3 weeks), @Ganesha Upadhyaya , @Jenya Piskunov
  13. Reach out to relay runners, incentives and onboard them, Apr 4 - Apr 18, @Daniel Pagan
  14. Launch partner reach out & commit, Apr 4 - Apr 18 @Peter Abilla
    1. Lend/borrow, DEX, game, etc
  15. Launch PR materials Apr 4 - Apr 18 @Peter Abilla
    1. Medium post
    2. Video(s)
    3. Tweet
    4. External media coverage

Revised launch date: Apr 25-May 2, 2022 (next assessment date: Mar 28, 2022)