By Samuel Harrison 🌲

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Some words are overused. "Paradigm Shift" tends to be a phrase that get's tossed around in today's Silicon Valley / Disruption Focused / "Who can I disintermediate?" world.

That being said - there is a real paradigm shift happening. The shift from traditional work and career trajectory towards a more flexible, more open form of employment. People who are comfortable in one...may not be comfortable in the other.

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The DAO is unlocking this new way of working. But what is a "DAO"? And how do DAOs actually work?

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It is important not only to understand the tools that you have to make the DAO work - but also to truly build a new mental framework and break free from the thinking of prior generations.

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Historically, someone would offer you a job and then tell you what to do. You reported up a tree. Your work product, your productivity, your value add to the downstream product was diluted as it passed through layer after layer of management and people justifying their roles.

DAOs are fundamentally different. They are a collection of people together working to further a common goal. There are no managers.

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But this map 👆— it's not a map of flat, DAO-derived coordination. It's a map of viral infection in a population. And THAT'S the point. DAOs have the potential for viral growth and dominance.

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