Harmony’s top videos: 🦋Blu3, 🦧Blue Apes, 🎊Festive Moments, ❤️Love Letter, 🦋Create Wealth, 👩‍🚀ONE’s Future, 🌃NYC, 🎇Showcase.

🦋 Blue To Fly – Change is Invincible


“One day, a butterfly was trying to get out of its cocoon. Somebody saw it struggling so they cut the cocoon to help it escape. While the butterfly was free, it lost the ability to fly because it didn’t complete its metamorphosis. In life, there will be struggles; there will be pain. Just know that when you’re going through it, you’re building the strength to fly.”

Blue Metaverse & 10,000 DAO & ZK Scholars

ONE Book: Create Wealth in Harmony

Coming of Age – Stars

Here’s to The ONEs Who Build

Harmony DesignDAO

branding - Google Drive

Harmony Protocol

Adrian Robison - Official Website

VIDEOS - Google Drive

NFT.LA / ETH Rio: Social Impact & Funding 60 Projects



Blu3 DAO x ETH Rio - Life-Changing Conference

Blue Metaverse: Apes Games & Digital Festivals