[s.country](<http://s.country>) 🔂 [💙.1](<https://💙.1.country>)
🐪 113K OCaml
💰 Raised $29.1M
👩👩👧👦 139 Hires
💙10.3K 💬500# 🤝$75
- Emoji reactions: 1 token for☝️ (one above), 10 tokens for🥇 (first prize), 100 tokens for 💯 (100 percent). Each emoji icon and its counter – similar to Discord’s post reactions but with payment like Only Fan’s tipping – are displayed under its embedded tweet. User clicks the emoji icon to pay the token amounts (1, 10, 100) to increase its counter.
- Contact info: 200 tokens for 💬 (Telegram handle), 400 for 💌 (email address), 800 tokens for ☎️ (phone number). Later: encrypted on chain (versus currently stored plain text inside the smart contract), 1600 tokens for 💰 (portfolio wallet). Owner optionally clicks the emoji icon to enter their contact info. User clicks the emoji icon to pay the token amounts (200, 400, 800) to reveal the contact info.
- More list: …
🔂 ➡️ 🛍️
Three secret match criteria for Talent (Alaina/Stephen)
- [ ] Hourly-rate pay expectation
- [ ] Number of written lines of Solidity code
- [ ] Amount of 2022 earning on consulting projects